
Bow-Scared Bird

In the last warring state period of ancient China,there was a general in Wei Kindom named GengLei who was a renowned great archer of the time.

One day he went to countryside for hunting in a company with the king.While having fun,they happened to looked up into the sky and found a group of wild geese passing by.And later a sole wild goose came,flew slowly and sang sadly.

Geng said to the king "my majesty,you see the wild goose and I can get it down without an arrow.I will just pull my string once."The king said it unbelievable.So Geng hold his bow with left hand and pulled the string with right hand.On the sound of the string when it loosened,the wild goose tried to fly higher.But it dropped down to  the ground .

The king was anstonished "Such archery!"Geng smiled "It is not my archery,it is the wild goose,it is the wounded one!"The king asked why.Geng replied "The wild goose flew pretty slow,that means it was hurt past and has not recovered yet. It sang sadly for it has been away from the group for a long time.So when it heard the sound of the string ,it got scared and tried to fly higher.That was so hard it tried that the wound broken again! It dropped beacuse of its pain.That is called bow-scared bird."The king nodded his head and expressed the admiration to GengLei!
